Wednesday, August 12, 2009

fat loss 4 idiots ?

Fat loss 4 idiots is a new diet plan that claims to help or rather make you lose 9 pounds in just 11 days. Although the advised average weight loss is between 3 to 4 pounds per week this diet is an ideal approach to kick start yourself to a new you. Losing 9 pounds within 11 days would keep King Kong on track so what’s wrong with average Joe or plan Jane jumping onto the bandwagon of slim and sexy forever.

So does this diet actually work? Can you shed 9 pounds in 11 days?

Personally I believe this diet to be great! I think this one diet among several that really advertises the truth. Yes you can shed 9 pounds in just 11 days. Why am I so confident about this diet? I have done it.

Why does this diet work? How is it different from other diets?

This diet is based on the principle of shifting calories. This diet recognizes that our body has an amazing adjusting capacity. Our metabolism adjusts really quickly to the quantity of food we eat and hence speeds up or slows down accordingly. Our body builds a certain tolerance to certain foods and prioritizes what needs to be burned first and what can be burnt slower. Normally calories are first burned before the fat.

Most diets don’t work because they are aware of the fact that calories are burnt before fats and hence advice lower calorie intake. But what they do not realize is that our body is extremely clever. If you reduce your intake of calories even for a month, your body adjusts to it and your metabolism will not reduce too much fat.

The fat loss 4 idiots diet is not focused on the calories you consume but works on a special calorie eating system.

This diet encourages you to have not 3 but 4 meals everyday for the 11 days. It does not restrict you from many foods. It encourages you to eat a certain type of food one week and eat a different type of food the next week. It basically aims at tricking our metabolism which indeed is a quick and clever learner. If we eat different types of food every week, our body will not have room to adjust to any type. Thus our metabolism will be high and hence causing the burning of fats. Remember the higher your metabolism, the more fats will be burned. Say for example we eat about 2,500 calories and suddenly switch to 200 calories, our body may still read it as 2500 calories and thus burn fat in the bargain.

If you are overweight or obese, and you want to lose weight, give this diet a try. It is only an 11 day diet. You can also resume the diet after 3 days. And on those 3 days you can eat whatever you care to eat. This diet is fairly easy to follow. It allows you to eat fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and proteins. Believe me, this is a very easy diet to follow and what is more, the results actually show at the end of the diet.

Diets and Diet Programs - Choosing a Diet that works

If you find yourself with a few added pounds, feeling sluggish or just wanting to be the best that you can be, then your diet has a lot to do with your optimal performance. There have been many studies on which diet works the best. Although there are plenty of choices such as the Atkins diet, South beach diet, Mediterranean diet, etc. Many health professionals are quick to note that not every diet is perfect for everyone.

Most health professionals agree that as long as you stay within a healthy range, then there are plenty of ways that your diet can help you take off the weight and make you look and feel great.

Health professionals advise a person to eat a balance diet, which includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Using these foods, dieters can come up with some very healthy choices to lose the pounds. Unfortunately, when people are on a diet they think of all the foods they can’t have instead of the foods they can. There are dozens of fruits and vegetables that can fit into anyone’s diet and plenty of lean meats that offer flavor and give you the protein that is needed daily. Just because you can’t eat bacon or lots of butter on a diet, doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world.

If you want to find a diet that will lose the pounds and keep it off, then don’t think of it as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle. Choose a lifestyle with all the healthy foods that will help keep off the pounds and keep you looking and feeling great.

Everyone is different. We all have different metabolic rates. Finding the ‘perfect’ weight loss program is a personal choice. Base your decision on your lifestyle and ability to be flexible. I’ve found that moderation works well for me and no one program is ‘perfect’ for me.

Diet With A Buddy To Lose Inches, Pounds And Temptation

A successful diet requires a commitment to nourish your body with only the healthiest foods available. Most people understand the dynamics of caloric intake: the higher the number of calories in your food, the higher the number of energy units you will have to burn during everyday activity and exercise.

Dieting simply means that you are making the consorted effort to control the foods and content that you put into your body so that you can control the shape and composition of your body. Because dieting requires a behavioral change for so many people, it can be a difficult adjustment. Dieting with a buddy, however, can help you make the progress you seek.

Buddies help you lose the weight you desire in three main ways: 1. They offer emotional support during this often-turbulent period of adjustment; 2. They offer a meter for your success. By observing your buddy, you can learn insights into your own behavior towards your meals. 3. Buddies help to keep you on track by encouraging you to maintain the diet that you both agreed upon.

Here are some tips to help you and your partner work towards your diet goals together:

Chart Your Success

Making a dieting chart is important because it will help you to develop some quantifiable metrics for your weight loss. By glancing at the chart, you will be able to determine which areas you need to focus on in your diet and which areas are going well. You will be able to, thus, identify behavior that you may not have been previously aware of.

By creating a dieting chart, your buddy can offer you feedback and suggestions based on your behavior as well. You will both be transparent about your habits. By observing your partner’s behavior, in turn, you will be in a position to understand how others approach the dieting challenge. Often, you will gain encouragement and strategies by identifying how you both handle certain situations.

Finally, the chart is your sheet of accountability. If you slip up in your diet, you will have to admit to it. Surprisingly, because you know that you will have to add whatever food you eat to the chart, you will be keenly aware of each and every calorie that you put into your body. As such, you will be closely connected with your habits over time.

Cook for Each Other

Many busy dieting partners find that the most basic need, which is cooking healthy meals, is difficult when there are so many other obligations pulling them away from the kitchen. Dieting partners, if they live in the same town, can develop a calendar for food preparation. Several times a week, each partner can cook a healthy dinner for the other partner. If you cook on Monday and your partner cooks on Tuesday, then you know that you have to spend an extra hour in the kitchen on Monday in order to get two free on Tuesday.

Each meal can be prepared according to a certain diet, if you are both pursuing the same style. Make sure that there are plenty of portions so that it can be frozen and heated later in the week. By preparing meals, you are certain to make eating a healthy ritual rather than a rushed one not taken very seriously.

Dieting can be laborious and, for many people, create more stress than not dieting. Keep in mind that when you commit to a diet, however, you are making a commitment to enhancing the healthiness of your body and to paving the way for a more active lifestyle. In many cases, a healthy diet can save your life. Go ahead – find that buddy and share your dieting success!

Diet Not Working? The Yo-Yo Diet

Does it seem like no matter how little food you eat, you never lose a pound? You start your day out with an apple, eat vegetables for lunch and have a tiny dinner. You have all week, but you’re still the same weight. Why?

It seems to be the first thought in someone’s mind when they decide they’re going on a diet: I need to eat less. The general rule is eat less and exercise more. In all actuality, this will do nothing but cause you to gain weight and become fatigued. When you eat less your body believes that it is being starved and will hoard every fat cell it can. It will do whatever it takes to keep these fat cells and no matter how many calories you burn, you won’t lose weight. Your metabolism slows greatly. Your body is in starvation mode.

People who start these diets will quickly end them when they realize they aren’t losing weight and they will return to their normal eating habits. Because the body still thinks it is in starvation mode, it will hoard all the fat cells of which there is twice the amount being eaten now, and the dieter will actually gain more weight back than they lost. This will prompt another diet and the process begins again. This is called a “yo-yo diet.”

The number way to avoid yo-yo dieting is to see a nutritionist. They will create a proper diet plan tailored to your needs and they have all the know-how to create a healthy and safe diet. Diets are not about eating less, they’re about eating better. A nutritionist will help you balance what types of food you’re eating, when you’re eating and how much you’re eating.

The second way to avoid yo-yo dieting is proper exercise. It is recommended to visit a personal trainer in order to receive a personalized workout plan to properly introduce you to regular exercise and muscle building. It is also imperative to ignore diet pills at all costs.

Eating better, not less, and exercising properly will lead you to weight loss!

Diet: How to really make your Diet work for you?

First of all, you need to understand, that your body needs a proper Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a proper daily amount of: vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Get into a habit of eating exactly 3 Meals a day.

1. Eat breakfast within one hour of rising.
Breakfast provides at least 30 percent of the total energy and nutrition needed to sustain the human body during the whole day. And therefore it is very important to have a proper breakfast and not to skip it.

2. Have a healthy low-fat lunch snack.
Have a healthy snack in your lunch time, low fat yogurt for example, to keep your energy running.

3. Have your dinner three hours before your bedtime.
Have a Proper dinner three hours before your bedtime; never go to bed on a full stomach.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

2 liters of water a day would help your body to burn calories more effectively and to get rid of toxins.

Exercising is a KEY.

By exercising, your body gets an advantage of many physiological benefits such as:

- Weight Control by elevating your metabolism so that you burn more calories daily.
- The Boost in your energy level
- Strengthening of your heart and lungs
- Improvement in your self-image and self-confidence.

So, don’t forget to exercise at least 10 minutes a day.

Try to avoid using fats.

Try to keep the fat level in your cooking as low as possible.

Make Calcium your friend.

Include as much calcium as you can in your daily diet by eating:

- Oranges
- Broccoli
- Soybeans
- Tofu
- Sunflower Seeds
- Papaya
And other sources of calcium.

Calcium is a crucial element for bone metabolism. Calcium deficiency is very common. The "Average" American diet does not even come close to meeting the normal calcium requirements:

425 mg. a day for Men
450 mg. a day for Women

So, to sum it up:
1. Have exactly 3 meals a day
2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
3. Exercise at least 10 minutes a day
4. Avoid fats
5. Make calcium your friend

By following these 5 simple rules, you will be losing weight in no time.

Diet Plans Are Meals, Snacks, and Water

Almost all women have been on a diet sometime in their life; I know I have. Men diet also, but not as many men diet as women. It is hard to decide which diet plan to suffer through. The first question is, which one will work for you and how hard do you have to work to make it work? Basically most of us are lazy when it comes to losing weight and we want the fastest and easiest diet plan we can find.

Sticking to a diet is hard to do. On most 'normal' diets you won't get hungry. By normal I mean you eat 3 meals a day with a couple of snacks during the day and you have to drink tons of water, that is what really fills you up. You may slush around all day but you won't get hungry.

There are many diet plans. There are the 300 pages or more diet books and there are the diet groups that meet at least once a week. Then there are some that will have meals delivered right to your door. The basic plan in these diets is each day eat 3 healthy meals, have a couple of snacks, and drink lots of water. Next you have the diet pills that come with a diet plan, 3 meals, a couple of snacks, and lots of water, plus a pill or 2 each day.

Let us not forget the fad diets, the cabbage soup diet, the boiled egg diet, the grapefruit diet, just to name a few. These diets don't last long, you either give up or pass out. Oh yeah, you do lose weight with these diets, but you also gain it back in a hurry, plus some.

So if you are thinking about starting a diet plan, choose carefully. Frankly in my opinion, one of the ones that meets once a week is the best. You get the support of all the rest of the group, you get to meet new people, and you get some new ideas for meals. These kinds of diets teach you how to live with a food plan, not a diet, but a way of life.

So until you decide which diet plan you think you can best follow, try to eat 3 healthy meals, a couple of snacks, and drink a lot of water each day. By the time you figure out which diet you want to tackle, maybe you will of lost the weight and won't even need a 'diet', because you will of found a 'diet' on your own, except you now call it a food plan for life.

Dieting Tips For Weight Loss

Keep A Diary Of What You Eat
I think you will be very surprised if before you start your diet you keep a journal of what you eat and at what times. Do this for about a week. Then study your journal and see where you can cut back and find out at what times are you eating that could cause problems. If you find you are having a snack at 10 pm at night. Try bringing the time time in. You never what to eat to soon before you go to bed.

Buy Diet Food Prepared

What can make dieting hard to stick to is the preparation? Having the diet food available to you also means having to go shopping then come home and prepare your healthy meal. Now a days it seems everyone is so rushed with no time to spare. Would it not be easier to have your diet meal already prepared for you? There are a few diet nutrition food programs that will actually ship the food right to your door. Talk about convenience. I know of a few diets that deliver food, Atkins At Home, Diet To Your Door, Diet To Go, eDiets - Fresh Cuisine, Jenny Direct, Nutrisystem, Sunfare and Zone Chefs.

Smaller Plates To Help Lose Weight

Use smaller plates to help you lose weight. This will give you smaller portions but may fool the eyes. Never feel you have to finish everything on your plate. This does not mean you have to throw food out. You can store diet food for later. If you feel full, stop.

Snacks Ready To Eat

Have healthy snacks ready to eat. Instead of grabbing for the chips have carrot slices ready to grab. You will still get that sensation of crunchy with a more healthy nutritious choice.

Water, Water, Water

If you do some research regarding dieting one thing you will hear over and over is to drink plenty of water. Not only will water help to fill you up so you do not eat to much, but it is also great for your appearance. Water is the best beauty treatment. It flushes out the impurities and gives you great looking skin.

Drinking water can also improve muscle tone. Muscles having all the water they need contract easier. Drinking water can give you a more effective workout when you exercise.

You should drink at least 8 8 oz glasses of water a day and more if you are more than 25 pounds over weight. For every 25 lbs I would drink another 8 oz glass of water.

Keep water by you. Use a straw if that will help you drink more.

Good luck and stick with it. Take it day by day. I also recommend only weighing your self once a week. As always before you start any diet or exercise program check with your doctor first.

Dieting Mistakes to Avoid !

Many people set out to lose weight with good intentions of sticking it out until they reach their goals. In fact, they intend to lose those unwanted extra pounds for good without ever seeing them again. So then, why is it that so many people lose weight only to gain it all back again? And why is it that so many people get frustrated and quit trying before they even lose any weight?

Of course dieting to lose weight takes some planning and some will power to stay with it, but a big part of the reason why so many people seem to be on a perpetual diet but never seem to lose weight often has less to do with their will to want to do it, and more to do with falling victim to some common mistakes dieters regularly make. Let’s look at some of these mistakes and some solutions to them.

One big mistake that dieters make is assuming that certain foods can be eaten in high quantities such as fat-free foods. It needs to be understood that just because a food is fat-free doesn’t mean it is calorie free. When you consume more calories than you use, you will gain, not lose, weight.

Many people who tried one of the many low-carb diets out there thought that they could eat as much as they wanted as long as the food they ate had low or no carbs. This way of thinking is wrong. It is still a matter of controlling the size of your portions that makes the difference. Keeping track of your overall calorie intake each day is imperative to a proper weight loss plan.

Another mistake that is made by dieters is expecting too much too soon. When you come to the conclusion that you want to lose 30 pounds, this is a realistic goal. When you decide that you want to lose those 30 pounds in one month, this is not a realistic goal. Maybe your 25th high school reunion is coming up and you want to be able to fit into that dress or suit you wore 25 years ago.

This is only possible if you take the time to allow yourself to properly attain that goal. Weight loss is best done at 1-2 pounds a week, not at 1-2 pounds a day, so set a small goal of say losing 5-7 pounds in a month, then set another similar goal and so on, until you reach your ultimate goal.

Not eating enough is yet another common mistake dieters make. The fact is, if you eat too little calories, your metabolism will slow down and you will go into what is known as “starvation mode”. This promotes major fat conservation for survival purposes and any weight loss will therefore come from the breakdown of muscle tissue, not fat! For the average adult female, it is not recommended to consume below 1000 calories and the average adult male should not consume below 1200 calories unless under the direction of their doctor.

One of the biggest mistakes dieters make by far is not planning for how to keep their weight down once they lose it. Often, people make the mistake of going on a “miracle” diet that promises super weight loss and although these types of diets are very dangerous and I absolutely do not recommend them, some people actually do lose weight on them. The problem is, these types of diets are designed to end at some point (which is a good thing since you would probably make it into the obituaries with a prolonged stay on these diets). That means that you would likely resume your old habits when it’s over thus accounting for the returning of all the weight you lost on the diet.

Of course getting some exercise is a key part in successful weight loss as well, but putting together a well thought out eating plan designed to stay with you for the rest of your life is the real key to taking that extra weight off and keeping it off for good. Be careful not to get caught making the mistakes mentioned here and you will have a much better chance at weight loss success.

4 diet tips to weight loss

Losing weight is becoming a common goal with many individuals. And this task is becoming difficult and complex with all the conflicting information out there. Thus, in this article, you will find logically sound and effective tips you can follow to find the diet that will give you the maximum benefits and effectiveness.

1. Find a program that provides realistic goals.
Avoid diets that promise weight loss overnight. Diets that promise such unrealistic promise are not designed to lose weight. Diets take time to work. Select a diet based on your food preferences. Like sweet food? Opt for a diet that is high on carbohydrate intake. Allow your body to transit to the new diet easily by selecting the food that you like. By doing so, you can be on a diet and still enjoy it.

2. Research the credentials of your chosen diet.
The best diet for weight loss is the one that is created by an experienced doctor, health practitioner, or physician. These people spent years studying how the body works and what's good for it. Before you choose a diet, make sure that you try to find out where the diet rooted from, who created it, and how many people have already benefited from it. The more background you get from the diet, the better.

3. Plan it out.
Don't go ahead with a diet without planning at least a week ahead. Dieting is all about taking the right types of food in the right amount. If you can't prepare your meals the proper way, you'll end up not following your diet at all. Here's a suggestion – before you start out on your new diet, rid your refrigerator of anything that your diet plan asks you to avoid. If you can't do this, even the world's best diet for weight loss won't work for you.

4. Strictly adhere to the diet plan.
There's no sense in looking for the best diet for weight loss only to forget about it after two to three days. Again, diet takes time to work. Following it is definitely hard. So prepare yourself mentally and physically. And make sure you are up to the challenge. Don't worry. The results may be too grand than could you have expected.

There you have it! You now know the best diet for weight loss, so use it to your advantage!

Best Diets To Lose Weight

Some thing tasty and yummy and yet you lose weight……

All the best diet plans are based on restrictions on carbohydrates, fats and high calorie products. During diet plans you can take fruits, green leafy vegetables, roughages and foodstuffs having less calories.

Top Diet Plans:
The Cabbage Soup diet has been used by dieters for years. This diet includes many versions but the simple one is that if you eat cabbage soup when you are hungry it will fill you up and will help you stay on low calorie diet. While you are on cabbage soup diet you must not take oily, fatty foodstuffs. This diet has very low calories. Therefore cabbage diet is among the best diets to lose weight.

The Sonoma diet was first prepared by Dr. Connie Gutterson. This diet includes antioxidant vegetables, juicy fruits like blueberries, spinach, whole grains and little almond oil. You can even add a glass of red wine. Sonoma diet is also approved as one of the best diets to lose weight.

Slim Fast diet is very helpful in controlling hunger for more than four hours. Slim fast diet is balanced, nutritional and rich in calcium and proteins. The Slim-Fast Diet plan is planned for dieter to take six times in day. You can add fruits, yogurt and cottage cheese. Fresh vegetables, meats and nuts are also a part of slim fast diet. It is not only diet cautious but also gives you a good flavor and taste. It can be considered as the best diet plan to lose weight especially for teenagers.

Negative calorie diet is less of a diet and more like diet helper. It consists of a list of foodstuffs whose net calorie account is less than total calories taken to digest them. These include high roughages, low fats, fruits and vegetables. Roughage is key content of negative calorie diet. The calorie output here is negative thus it will help losing weight.

Can You Lose Weight Without A Weight Loss Plan?

The simple answer to this question is NO! However that is probably not going to leave many readers satisfied with this article that is supposed to be about weight loss plans. So in the next few paragraphs I want to tell you more specifically why it is a good idea to lose weight number one, and then why it is essential that you have a strategy number two.

So why do we lose weight? Well actually much of the time it is because we don’t like how we look. The problem with that is it is such a fickle feeling and doesn’t provide enough incentive to buckle down to a weight loss plan and carry it out. We can get through life fairly unscathed socially when we are fat if we avoid certain situations namely anything having to do with a swimming suit or an athletic event. The major thing that allows us to do this is the fact that everyone else around us is fat and so we fit right in. We all, especially those in the northern climes that don’t benefit from good amounts of sun, use food to elevate our mood and the fact is that it works. What we are starting to understand is that our motivation should be our health rather than our looks, and if we truly knew how dangerous obesity is it would scare us enough that we would take losing weight seriously.

The fact that obesity is a killer is plain. The big three killers for the obese would be art disease atherosclerotic disease, diabetes, and cancer. That obesity is a MAJOR risk factor for these killers is plain as day. Think with me for a minute about all the things that go wrong with an obese individual that send them spiraling toward and early death. First atherosclerosis from high fat and cholesterol diets combined with large floppy hearts, and hypertension that is caused by obesity. This just sets a person up for a major cardiac event that if it doesn’t kill them the first time will on subsequent tries unless they get their act together. Now think about diabetes mellitus type II which has main etiology in the insulin insensitivity that comes with obesity. This contributes to heart disease as well as renal failure, blindness, and neuropathies that result in either unbearable pain or in amputations. Pretty bleak picture? Make you want to hear about the importance of having a weight loss plan?

This should be brief because it deals with life truths that are pretty obvious. You must plan carefully in life to succeed, learning in life from mistakes and capitalizing on opportunities. You must also plan to achieve discipline. These things are just not natural to humans who if left to their own devices become fat, lazy, and fail. So you must have a weight loss plan to: 1) lose weight properly, 2) lose enough weight to make a life prolonging change, and 3) to maintain your new lifestyle. Sounds easy right? No way! But worth it? For sure.